Monday, May 26, 2014

Kutsinta Recipe

Oh how I missed this...whenever I go to Filipino store I just have to buy it! I am quite intimidated doing rice cakes after I failed doing Biko years ago. Feels like they were just hard to do. But I am determined this time to give it a try. For these past two days I have been doing it and tweaking the recipe. The first one I followed the recipe I saw on the net to every detail, it taste good but it felt soft to me. Today, I did it again with two revisions on the measurements of the glutinous rice flour and plain rice flour. They taste the same for me, but got a better consistency. It was actually easy to do especially if you have access to Asian stores where you can buy most of the ingredients. Preparation and cooking was done in about an hour. So, give it a try and let me know how it goes. Happy Memorial Weekend!

2/3 cup glutinous rice flour
1/3 cup rice flour
2 tsp lye water
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cup water
1 drop red liquid food color
cooking oil for brushing pan
grated coconut 

1. In a saucepan, heat the water and melt the brown sugar. Do not boil.
2. Add the lye water to the dissolved brown sugar and set aside.
3. In a bowl, mix the glutinous rice flour and rice flour and the brown sugar mixture until dissolved thoroughly.
4. Strain to remove lumps, then add liquid food color.
5. Brush the pan with oil and pour mixture.
6. Steam it for 30 minutes or until the top is set when touched.
7. Put grated coconut when serve. Enjoy!

***You can use pie pan or muffin pan
*** If using muffin pan, pour the mixture halfway only

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