Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Brownies Unlimited Sambos Cookie Recipe...My Style

Since I got so excited doing Silvanas, why not do the Sambos too? The recipe is about the same as the Silvanas but I did tweak it a little and added more photos as a guide to everyone who wanted to try this it. I wanted it to look like the Sambos from Brownies Unlimited but the meringue kept getting flat once I put them on the parchment paper. It could be because I did not use the flour which I saw on another recipe but I want the taste already so I just kept going. I found that the round Sambos look more appealing than the oval, so for my future baking of these goodies I'll stay with the round ones. I have the photos of the ingredients, it is up to your preference on what brand you want to use. You can also see from the photo guide that I used the stand mixer, way easier and faster to do the meringue but again the handheld mixer worked okay too.

6 large egg white
1 tsp  cream of tartar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cup cashews
1 cup salted butter
1 cup sifted confectioner's sugar
1/2 cup milk
chocolate cake crumbs

    How to make the meringue
1. Finely ground cashews in the food processor or
your coffee grinder. Set aside.
2. Beat eggwhites and cream of tartar in the mixer.

3. Gradually add the granulated sugar, and beat till
 it forms a stiff peak.

4. Fold in the ground cashews in the meringue.

Until all the ground cashews were mix with
 the meringue.
5. Transfer the meringue into piping bag.
You can pipe it into oval shape in a cookie
sheet lined with parchment paper.

Or you can also do round shape whichever you prefer.
6. Then bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 25-30 minutes
 until it's golden brown.
7. Once out in the oven, let it cool completely and
 remove gently form the parchment paper. Set aside.

How to make the Buttercream
1. Beat the softened butter until it is creamy.

2. Add the confectioner's sugar gradually.

3. Then add the milk till fully incorporated. Set aside.

Now, for the assembly of your Sambos
1. Spread the buttercream on 2 meringue wafers making sure
the flat sides are facing out. Then, cover all sides with

2. Roll the wafer on chocolate cake crumbs on one side

3. Then roll it on the other side too.

4. Until it's fully covered with chocolate cake crumbs.
5. Refrigerate before serving.

Hope you'll find this photo guide useful, enjoy Silvanas and Sambos my style with your favorite drink! For me, it's my cup of coffee.  

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