Saturday, June 14, 2014

Chipotle Rice with Cilantro...My Style

It is Saturday, first day of summer break. I know my son will ask again after the anticipated mass today if we can go eat at Chipotle. Yes, because he wants to eat that Chipotle Rice with Cilantro. Every week it seems we were there, so I started searching for recipe and there is a lot out there. For now, I will do the easy version. Easy because I will only use the ingredients that are available in my fridge. I will try eventually the other recipes I have seen to compare which one comes closest to taste of what they serve at Chipotle Mexican Grill. But this one tastes great for me already. Most of the recipe said you mix lemon and lime sometimes with orange juice. But I only used lemon in this recipe and I loved it! I did not even go fancy with the rice, I just used the short grain rice. So go ahead and try it. Have a nice weekend too!

2 cups rice (I even day old old rice-leftover from yesterday)
1 tbsp lemon juice (I used fresh)
salt to taste
1-2 tbsp canola oil
1-2 tbsp chopped cilantro leaves

1. In a pan, heat oil and put rice. Mix completely.
2. After 2-3 minutes when rice is warm already, add lemon juice. Mix.
3. Add salt to taste.
4. Then, add cilantro and mix thoroughly. Serve hot and enjoy!

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